Image - Howard Dieno headshot

About Howard Dieno

Howard trained as an Osteopathic Practitioner and Naturopath in Britain, and he has been in private practice since 1988. Now located in Victoria, B.C., Howard has taught and practiced in Europe and New Zealand, and was on the staff at the Osteopathic Centre for Children in London, U.K..

Howard's training in Britain, like that of all his colleagues trained outside of the U.S., is not yet recognised, or accredited in Canada. Legislation in British Columbia (the Health Professions Act, and the Medical Practitioners Regulation) prohibits the use of the title "osteopath" by anyone other than an osteopathic physician.

Howard and a number of his British-trained colleagues in British Columbia formed the Society for the Promotion of Manual Practice Osteopathy (SPMPO) - now called OsteopathyBC to address this issue. And, via his membership in the SPMPO, Howard is also a member of the Canadian Federation of Osteopaths (CFO).

Howard welcomes clients of all ages - including newborns and pregnant moms. He also works with dogs and cats, and is available for house calls to see horses.

Howard's extensive post-graduate training in the subtle arts of Osteopathic manual practice includes: several S.C.T.F. Cranial Osteopathy courses, Visceral Osteopathy with Jean-Pierre Barral, and Advanced Functional Osteopathy, with Professor Bill Johnston. Teaching has been part of Howard's background for many years. He has undertaken three years of teacher-training at UVic. He has been a regular guest lecturer with the Bachelor and Master of Nursing programs, at the University of Wales, and currently, he gives talks to local professional musicians about how they might avoid common injuries, and what to do when injuries do arise. Howard taught Orthopedic Pathology to students of the West Coast College of Massage Therapy, in Victoria until April of 2003. Howard participated in the Victoria conference "When the Body Forgets to Heal" (May, 2005), where he presented "Functional Technique for Physicians". At the Body Heals Conference - 2007, Howard led a workshop entitled "Learning a Deeper, Subtler Way to Listen to the Bodymind, via Touch - with no Specific Intention Beyond the Listening". He offers private workshops to established bodywork therapists (see previously offered courses listed on the Home page). New course offerings are coming soon.

As part of his private practice, Howard is making available to his clients, for their self-guided use, biofeedback equipment and information which is intended to complement and support Howard's use of functional, cranio-sacral/cranial osteopathy and other osteopathic practices aimed at facilitating a client's own process for re-establishing and maintaining harmonic balance.

Howard's life and work are deeply informed by a commitment to present moment investigation of the Essence of who we are. He is actively engaged in his own spiritual practice - through Self Inquiry, study of the Enneagram (see his Enneagram personality type icon, below), and the Diamond Approach.

He has studied with the Rev. Cynthia Bourgeault, through The Contemplative Society of Victoria, and has volunteered with and served on the board for the Victoria Coalition for Survivors of Torture (VCST).

Playing music is a passionately-explored pastime for Howard: whether that is jamming with others on Tuesday nights; or more public jams in Tiillicum Gorge Park on weekends, from Spring to Fall; or playing solo, and/or with others, at an Open Mic event around Victoria.